脛骨平台水平矯形術 (Tibial plateau leveling osteotomy, TPLO) 能穩定患有前十字韌帶損傷的膝蓋,大部分的畜主對於手術成效都有不錯的反應,但仍有少部分的併發症,例如患肢水腫、疼痛等,若腫脹、疼痛能夠得到良好的控制,患肢則可以盡早恢復功能,並減少術後照護所需要的時間與精力。
作者將34隻患有單側前十字韌帶損傷並以TPLO修復的狗,隨機分為兩組;一組以特製的氣袋於術後立刻進行冰敷壓迫治療 (溫度:4.4℃,壓力:50 mmHg),每次30分鐘,每6小時一次 (總共4次);另一組則只採取冰敷治療(溫度:4.4℃),每次30分鐘,每6小時一次 (總共4次)。於術後1天、14天以及28天評估其跛行情況、疼痛反應以及關節活動範圍。
摘自Effect of cold compression therapy on postoperative pain, swelling, range of motion, and lameness after tibial plateau leveling osteotomy in dogs, Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 2011; 238:1284-1291 (2011 美國獸醫學會期刊)
作者:KA Drygas, SR McClure, RL Goring, A Pozzi, SA Robertson, C Wang. From the Affiliated Veterinary Specialists, Orange Park, FL (Drygas, Goring); Departments of Veterinary Clinical Sciences and Diagnostic and Production Animal Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, Iowa State University, Ames, IA (McClure); Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, Collaborative Orthopaedic and Biomechanics Laboratory, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL (Pozzi); Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL (Robertson); Department of Statistics, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Iowa State University, Ames, IA (Wang) (美國)