第七屆世界獸醫皮膚病學大會發表論文摘要(2012年7月加拿大溫哥華) Abstracts accepted for the 7th World Congress of Veterinary Dermatology (Vancouver, Canada, July 2012)
1. Treatment of canine generalized demodicosis secondary to hyperadrenocorticism with topical moxidectin and imidacloprid (Moxidectin/imidacloprid治療腎上腺功能亢進症繼發的犬全身性毛囊蟲) 作者:連于欣、黃慧璧
2. Treatment of feline sarcoptic mange with topical moxidectin and imidacloprid (Moxidectin/imidacloprid治療貓疥癬蟲症) 作者:黃慧璧、連于欣、孫禎珮
專題演講(專科醫師級):Endocrine-related dermatoses of the cat(貓隻內分泌性皮膚病) 原創研究著作講題:Anatomical changes in the external ear canal in dogs with otitis externa(犬外耳道炎巨觀與組織病理變化)
1. Effect of castration on hair re-growth in Pomeranians with hair cycle arrest (Alopecia X)去勢對罹患禿毛X症博美犬於毛髮再生的影響
2. Allergen-specific immunotherapy based on a limited, non-seasonal allergen intradermal skin tests(以非季節性過敏原進行皮內測試為依據進行專一過敏原免疫治療於犬異位性皮膚炎應用)
1. Distribution of cutaneous mast cells at pruritic and non-pruritic sites and in dogs with and without affected by atopic dermatitis (肥大細胞於異位性皮膚炎患部的分布)
2. Otic ivermectin in the treatment of feline ear mite infestation (耳用ivermect治療貓耳疥蟲症)
3. Susceptibility of Malassezia pachydermatis to econazole and ketoconazole (皮屑芽孢菌對ketoconazole與econazole的感受性評估)
原創研究著作講題:The application of infrared tympanic membrane thermometer in comparing the external ear canal temperature between erect and pendulous ears in dogs (以遠紅外線耳溫計進行耳型對耳道溫度的影響分析)