壞死性腦膜腦炎 (Necrotizing meningoencephalitis – NME)是一種病程快速進展的疾病,這種致死性的發炎變化常在年輕的巴哥犬以及一些玩具型的犬種發現。最近的基因組相關研究發現危險基因位點與某些犬隻的白血球抗原等位基因與壞死性腦膜腦炎的發展是有相關性的 (特別是巴哥犬),這些資料都支持此疾病與免疫或自體免疫相關。壞死性腦膜腦炎過去被報導在巴哥犬、約克夏犬、馬耳濟斯犬、吉娃娃犬與北京犬等小型純種犬種較常發現,在組織病理學上為非化膿性的腦膜炎與深入腦部白質與灰質的變化。此回溯性研究著重於探討過去罹患壞死性腦膜腦炎的非典型犬種。此研究由三所美國大學取得資料(康乃爾大學、德州農工大學與加州大學戴維斯分校),病例為經由組織病理診斷為壞死性腦膜腦炎且過去未被報導過的犬種。結果蒐集了四隻犬,顯示在一般常見的品種外另在其他四種小型犬發現 (巴比倫犬 Papillon, 西施犬 Shih Tzu, 棉花面紗犬 Coton de Tulear, 布魯賽爾格林芬犬 Brussels Griffon),平均診斷年齡為2.5歲,在組織病理學上通常有兩個以上的特徵 (包含: 淋巴漿球性或組織球性的腦膜腦炎、腦炎、中等到嚴重程度的腦皮質潰瘍、有時也會在小腦以及腦幹部發現病變並且都沒有感染的證據)。此篇報告指出了除了在一般常見罹患壞死性腦膜腦炎的的五種犬種外另指出了另外四種犬種,顯示壞死性腦膜腦炎並不是只有某些犬種限定的疾病,並提醒未來在診斷壞死性腦膜腦炎時,不能只參照好發品種,需要謹慎的依照臨床症狀、檢查來做為發炎性腦部疾病的鑑別診斷。
摘自: Necrotizing Meningoencephalitis in Atypical Dog Breeds: A Case Series and Literature Review, Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, (2013) (2013 獸醫內科學會期刊)
作者: J.J. Cooper, S.J. Schatzberg, K.M. Vernau, B.A. Summers, B.F. Porter, S. Siso, B.D. Young, and J.M. Levine, From the Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences,College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX (Cooper, Levine); the Veterinary Emergency and Specialty Center of Santa Fe, Santa Fe, NM (Schatzberg); the Departments of Surgical and Radiological Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California-Davis, Davis, CA (Vernau); the Pathology &Infectious Diseases, The Royal Veterinary College, University of London, London, UK (Summers); the Veterinary Pathobiology, College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX (Porter); the Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California-Davis, Davis, CA (Siso); and the Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX (Young). (美國德州農工大學)
譯者: 戴子綺醫師