恩孺醫療團隊2012-2016 醫學期刊論文與國際學術會議論文

恩孺醫療團隊2012-2016 醫學期刊論文與國際學術會議論文


1. HP Huang and YH Lien (2016). Effects of a structured exercise programme in sedentary dogs with chronic diarrhoea. Veterinary Record doi: 10.1136/vr.103902 (online first, SCI).


       2016年 獸醫紀錄期刊論文

       作者:連于欣 黃慧璧


2. IBY Yu, HP Huang (2016). Prevalence and prognosis of anemia in dogs with degenerative mitral valve disease. BioMed Research International 2016; 2016: Article ID 4727054; doi: 10.1155/2016/4727054 (SCI)


       2016年 國際生物醫學研究期刊論文

       作者:游秉燁 黃慧璧


3. C Yang, HP Huang (2016). Evidence-based veterinary dermatology: a review of published studies of treatments for Otodectes cynotis (ear mite) infestation in cats. Veterinary Dermatology 2016; 27: 221–e56, doi: 10.1111/vde.12340 (SCI)


       2016年 獸醫皮膚科學期刊論文



4. HY Chen, YH Lien, HP Huang (2016). Association of renal resistive index, renal pulsatility index, systemic hypertension, and albuminuria with survival in dogs with pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism. International Journal of Endocrinology 2016; 2016: Article ID 3814034, doi: 10.1155/2016/3814034 (SCI)

       中譯:犬腎上腺功能亢進症高血壓,高血壓終器官症候群 (TOD,蛋白尿與腎臟血管阻力與存活率

       2016年 國際內分泌期刊論文

       作者: 陳虹吟 連于欣 黃慧璧


5. YL Hsu, HP Huang (2016). Two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiographic assessment of left ventricular mechanical synchrony in clinically normal cats. Veterinary Medicine: Research and Reports 2016; 7: 33-40, doi: 10.2147/VMRR.S97634 (ESCI)


       2016年 獸醫學研究與報告期刊論文

       作者: 徐悅倫 黃慧璧


6. HY Chen, YH Lien, HP Huang (2014). Assessment of left ventricular function by two-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography in small breed dogs with hyperadrenocorticism. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 2014; 56: 88, DOI 10.1186/s13028-014-0088-5 (SCI)


       2014年 斯堪地那維亞獸醫學期刊論文

       作者: 陳虹吟 連于欣 黃慧璧


7. TC Tai, HP Huang (2013). Echocardiographic assessment of right heart indices in dogs with elevated pulmonary artery pressure associated with chronic respiratory disorders, heartworm disease, and chronic degenerative mitral valvular disease. Veterinarni Medicina (SCI).


       2013年 獸醫醫學期刊期刊論文

       作者:戴子綺 黃慧璧


8. TC Tai, HP Huang (2013). The luminal diameters of trachea and bronchi in small breed dogs with and without chronic degenerative mitral valvular disease. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 2013; 12: 387-393 (SCI).


       2013年 進階動物與獸醫學期刊論文

       作者:戴子綺 黃慧璧


9. HP Huang, YH Lien (2013). Feline sarcoptic mange in Taiwan: a case series of five cats. Veterinary Dermatology 2013; 24: 457–e105 (SCI).

       中譯: 台灣的貓疥癬蟲: 五隻貓的病例

       2013年 獸醫皮膚科學期刊論文

       作者:黃慧璧 連于欣


10. HP Huang, YH Lien (2013).Treatment of canine generalized demodicosis associated with hyperadrenocorticism with spot-on moxidectin and imidacloprid. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 2013, 55:40 doi:10.1186/1751-0147-55-40 (SCI).

       中譯: Moxidectin/imidacloprid治療腎上腺功能亢進症繼發的犬全身性毛囊蟲

       2013年 斯堪地那維亞獸醫學期刊論文

       作者:黃慧璧 連于欣


11. YH Lien, HP Huang. (2012). Factors associated with the clinical remission in diabetic cats. Acta Veterinaria Brno 81: 421-425, doi: 10/2754/avb20121040419 (SCI).

       中譯: 糖尿病貓回復到正常血糖狀態的預後因子

       2013年 布爾諾獸醫學期刊論文

       作者:連于欣 黃慧璧


12. PY Lo, KH Chen, HP Huang. (2012). Comparison of intradermal tests, total serum IgE concentrations, and allergen-specific IgE using an arrayed protein chip in atopic dogs. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 11(18): 3298-3303, DOI: 10.3923/javaa.2012.3298.3303 (SCI).

       中譯: 皮內過敏原測試、血清總免疫球蛋白E濃度和使用陣列試劑片測試過敏原特異性免疫球蛋白E


       2012年 進階動物與獸醫學期刊論文

       作者:羅佩盈 陳康鑫 黃慧璧



HP Huang, YL Hsu, TC Tai, HY Chen (2012). Management of tick-borne canine babesiosis.: In Ticks: Disease, Management and Control, ed: M Woldemeskel (ISBN: 978-1-62081-136-8), Nova Science Publishers, pp93-166.

出自書籍: 壁虱疾病、管理與控制

篇章: 探討壁虱傳染的犬焦蟲病之診斷治療與控制,


作者:黃慧璧 徐悅倫 戴子綺 陳虹吟



1. HP Huang (2016). Recent evidence based dermatology review. 2016 Congress of the Asian Society of Veterinary Clinical Dermatology and Dermatopathology (Seoul, South Korea)

       中譯: 近代獸醫皮膚實證醫學

       第一屆亞洲獸醫臨床皮膚與皮膚病理醫學會 (韓國,首爾)

       作者: 黃慧璧


2. HP Huang (2016). Feline heartworm disease in Taiwan. The 6th International Zoonosis & Canine Vector Borne Diseases Symposium, Asia Pacific Forum (Bangkok, Thailand)

      中譯: 臺灣貓心絲蟲症現況

      第六屆國際人畜共通傳染病與犬蟲媒疾病研討會 (泰國,曼谷)

      作者: 黃慧璧


3. HP Huang, YH Lien (2015). Intervention to increase physical exercise in dogs with chronic enteropathies. The 2015 European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine Congress (Lisbon, Portugal).



       作者:黃慧璧 連于欣


4. SH Chiu, HP Huang. (2015). Age-related changes in vertebral heart scale and echocardiographic indices in healthy geriatric cats. The 2015 European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine Congress (Lisbon, Portugal).



       作者:邱詩軒 黃慧璧


5. Yu IBY, HP Huang (2014). Prevalence and Prognosis of Cardiac Cachexia in Dogs Affected with Chronic Degenerative Mitral Valve Disease. The 2014 European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine Congress, Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 2015; 29: 442 (Mainz, Germany). 



       作者:游秉燁 黃慧璧


6. HY Chen, HP Huang (2012). Vascular resistance and albuminuria in dogs affected with chronic hyperadrenocorticism and chronic generative mitral valvular disease. Proceedings of the 22nd European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine Congress, p 256 (Maastricht, the Netherlands).



       作者:陳虹吟 黃慧璧


7. YH Lien, HP Huang (2012). Comparison between recombinant human monocomponent isophane and porcine lente insulin in diabetic dogs: prognostic factors and survival. Proceedings of the 22nd European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine Congress, p 254-255 (Maastricht, the Netherlands).



       作者:連于欣 黃慧璧


8. YL Hsu, HP Huang (2012). Evaluation of the left ventricular systolic synchronicity and heterogeneity in cats. Proceedings of the 22nd European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine Congress, p 251-252 (Maastricht, the Netherlands).



       作者:徐悅倫 黃慧璧


9. IBY Yu, HP Huang (2012). Prevalence of cardiac cachexia in dogs affected with chronic degenerative mitral valve disease. Proceedings of the 22nd European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine Congress, p 251 (Maastricht, the Netherlands).



       作者:游秉燁 黃慧璧


10. TC Tai, HP Huang (2012). Echocardiographic assessment of right heart indices in dogs with elevated pulmonary artery pressure. Proceedings of the 22nd European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine Congress, p 249 (Maastricht, the Netherlands).



       作者:戴子綺 黃慧璧


11. HP Huang, YH Lien, JP Sun (2012). Treatment of feline sarcoptic mange with topical moxidectin and imidacloprid. Scientific Abstracts of the 7th World Congress of Veterinary Dermatology, Veterinary Dermatology 23 (Suppl 1), p 95 (Vancouver, Canada).

       中譯: Moxidectin/imidacloprid治療貓疥癬蟲症


       作者:黃慧璧 連于欣 孫禎珮


12. HP Huang, YH Lien (2012). Treatment of canine generalized demodicosis secondary to hyperadrenocorticism with topical moxidectin and imidacloprid. Scientific Abstracts of the 7th World Congress of Veterinary Dermatology, Veterinary Dermatology 23 (Suppl 1), p 28 (Vancouver, Canada).

       中譯: Moxidectin/imidacloprid治療腎上腺功能亢進症繼發的犬全身性毛囊      )


       作者:連于欣 黃慧璧


13. HP Huang (2012). Application of speckle-tracking echocardiography in small animals. Proceeding of the 35th Seminar on recent advances in animal health and production, p 35. (Serdang, Malaysia)

       中譯: 二維斑點追蹤心臟超音波在小動物的應用

       第三十五屆進代進階動物健康與生產研討會 (馬來西亞,沙登)

       作者: 黃慧璧


14. HY Chen HP Huang (2012). Effect of body weight on assessment of left ventricular function using two-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography. 2012 ACVIM Forum research abstracts program, Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 26, p 722 (New Orleans, U. S. A.).

       中譯: 以體重為參考進行斑點追蹤心臟超音波評估犬左心室功能


       作者:陳虹吟 黃慧璧


15. HY Chen, HP Huang (2012). Assessment of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in small breed dogs affected with hyperadrenocorticism using 2D speckle-tracking echocardiography. 2012 ACVIM Forum research abstracts program, Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 26, p 719 (New Orleans, U. S. A.).

       中譯: 以斑點追蹤心臟超音波評估罹患犬腎上腺能亢進症小型犬之肥厚型 心肌病


       作者:陳虹吟 黃慧璧


16. HP Huang (2012). Management of canine babesiosis. Proceedings of the 2nd International Zoonosis & Canine Vector Borne Diseases Symposium, 15-20 (BeijingChina).

       中譯: 犬焦蟲病的控制

       第二屆國際人畜共通傳染病與犬蟲媒疾病研討會 (中國,北京)

       作者: 黃慧璧