- 跛行 Lameness
- 不願向上跳 Difficulty to jump
- 走路的姿勢怪怪的 Abnormal gait
- 不想動 Reluctant to move
- 對觸摸輕撫或觸診反應激烈 Reaction to palpation
- 閃躲或躲起來 Withdraw/hiding
- 不理毛 Absence of grooming
- 不玩耍 Playing less
- 食慾不好 Appetite decrease
- 整體活動量下降 Overall activity decrease
- 不再磨蹭飼主 Less rubbing toward people
- 脾氣大 General mood
- 脾氣壞 Temperament
- 拱背 Hunched up posture
- 經常變換身體的姿勢 Shifting of weight
- 舔咬身體特定的部位 Licking a particular body region
- 低頭站立 Lower head posture
- 眼瞼痙攣 Blepharospasm
- 改變飲食喜好 Change in form of feeding behaviour
- 躲在暗處 Avoiding bright areas
- 咆嘯 (以往不會) Growling
- 呻吟 Groaning
Merola and Mills. Behavioural Signs of Pain in Cats: An Expert Consensus. PLoS One. 2016; 11(2): e0150040. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0150040