2018年歐洲獸醫內科專科醫學會 (The 2018 European College Veterinary Internal Medicine Congress)發表研究論文(荷蘭,鹿特丹)

這已是我們自2001年起,第十四次在歐洲獸醫內科專科醫學會進行最新研究的發表。這十多年來,我們總共已經在歐洲獸醫內科專科醫學發表了29篇研究成果論文摘要。感謝所有小狗、小貓與飼主的信任與支持,讓我們持續成長,也讓我們有滿滿的動力, 在孤單的研究之路,繼續奮鬥下去 !


Effects of a structured exercise program in sedentary dogs with asymptomatic myxomatous mitral valve disease: quality of life, and radiographic and echocardiographic parameters (中譯:復健式運動於無症狀慢性二尖瓣疾病犬隻的生活品質、X光與心臟超音波件參數的影響) -大會邀請發表報告


Iatrogenic hyperadrenocorticism in 10 cats(中譯:貓醫源性腎上腺功能亢進症).

Blood pressure regulation in dog with heart failure(中譯:犬心衰竭的血壓調控)

Use of ketoconazole for the treatment of canine hyperadrenocorticism: 158 cases(中譯:Ketoconazole於腦下垂體腎上腺功能亢進症的治療應用)

1. Comparison of two doses of synthetic ACTH for testing adrenal function in healthy dogs(中譯:ACTH於腎上腺功能測試劑量的比較)

2. Clinical-relevant history in feline bronchial disease(中譯:貓小支氣管疾病的臨床相關病史研究)

3. The radiographic cardia size (vertebral heart scale) in small breed dogs with and without cardiac diseases(中譯:小型犬罹患心臟病的心臟X光片評估的比較)

Microalbuminuria and Systemic Blood Pressure in Canine Hyperadrenocorticism (中譯:腎上腺功能亢進犬隻尿蛋白與血壓之相關研究)

1. Glycosylated haemoglobin concentrations in clinically healthy dogs ad in dogs with hyperadrenocorticism and/or diabetes mellitus(中譯:醣化血紅素於犬腎上腺功能亢進症與糖尿病的表現)

2. Serum concentrations of NT-proBNP and cardiac troponin I in determination of severity of canine heart failure(中譯:血液神經荷爾蒙β型利鈉肽與心臟肌鈣蛋白濃度於犬心衰竭嚴重度的關聯)

2009年歐洲獸醫內科專科醫學會大會發表的論文1. Incidence of hypertension is lower in canine pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism compared to adrenal tumor(中譯:犬腎上腺腫瘤與腦下垂體腎上腺功能亢進症血壓的比較)-大會邀請發表報告。註:2009年歐洲獸醫內科醫學會(ECVIM)與歐洲獸醫內分泌醫學會(ESVE)年輕學者獎,連醫師是歐洲獸醫內科醫學會成立19年來第一位獲獎的亞洲醫師

2. Prevalence of polycystic kidney diseases in cats in Taiwan and comparison of ultrasonographic findings and PCR result(中譯:台灣貓多囊腎流行率的調查與診斷方式的比較)

2010年歐洲獸醫內科專科醫學會大會發表的論文1. Comparison of Types of Acquired Heart Diseases in Dogs Affected with Pituitary-Dependent versus Adrenal-Dependent Hyperadrenocorticism(中譯:比較腦下垂體型與腎上腺腫瘤型腎上腺功能亢進患犬的心臟疾病類別)

2. Comparison Between Small Breed Dogs with and without Degenerative Mitral Valve Disease by Use of Conventional and Two-Dimensional Speckle-Tracking Echocardiography(中譯:斑點追蹤式心臟超音波評估小型犬之退行性瓣膜疾病的左心室功能)

3. Evaluation of Left Ventricular Indices Using Two-Dimensional Speckle-Tracking Echocardiography in Dogs Affected with Heartworm Disease(中譯:以斑點追蹤式心臟超音波評估心絲蟲患犬的左心室功能)

2011年歐洲獸醫內科專科醫學會大會發表的論文1. Comparison between Clinically Healthy Cats and Cats Affected with Lower Respiratory Tract Disease Using Conventional and Two Dimensional Speckle-Tracking Echocardiography(中譯:以傳統和斑點追蹤式心臟超音波技術評估下呼吸道疾病患貓之左心室功能)

2. Luminal Diameters of Trachea and Bronchi, Ratio of Tracheobronchial Diameters in Small Breed Dogs With and Without Chronic Degenerative Mitral Valvular Disease(中譯:退行性二尖瓣膜疾病小型犬的氣管與支氣管徑與心衰竭嚴重程度的關聯)

3. Comparison of Left Ventricular Indices between Dachshunds and Other Small Breed Dogs Using Two Dimensional Speckle-Tracking Echocardiography(中譯:以斑點追蹤式心臟超音波比較臘腸犬與其他小型犬種之左心室功能)

4. Two-Dimensional Longitudinal Strain and Strain Rate Imaging for Assessment of Left Atrial Function of Small Breed Dogs with Degenerative Mitral Valve Disease(以中譯:斑點追蹤式心臟超音波評估退行性二尖瓣膜疾病小型犬的左心房功能)

5. Factors of Clinical Remission in Cats with Diabetes Mellitus(中譯:貓糖尿病痊癒因子的分析)

2012年歐洲獸醫內科專科醫學會大會發表的論文1. Vascular resistance and albuminuria in dogs affected with chronic hyperadrenocorticism and chronic degenerative mitral valvular disease(中譯:腎上腺功能亢進及退化性二尖瓣膜疾病犬隻對腎臟血管阻力及蛋白尿的影響)

2. Echocardiographic assessment of right heart indices in dogs with elevated pulmonary artery pressure associated with chronic respiratory disorders, heartworm disease and chronic degenerative mitral valvular disease(中譯:評估因慢性呼吸道疾病、心絲蟲以及退化性二尖瓣膜疾病導致肺高壓的犬隻在心臟超音波上右心參數)

3. Assessment of left ventricular deformation in cats using two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography(中譯:以二維斑點追蹤式心臟超音波評估貓之左心室運動)

4. Prevalence of cardiac cachexia in dogs affected with chronic degenerative mitral valve disease(中譯:退化性二尖瓣膜疾病犬隻的心因性惡體質盛行率)

5. Comparison between recombinant human monocomponent isophane and porcine lente insulin in diabetic dogs: prognostic factors and survival(中譯:比較合成胰島素[因速來達胰島素]與豬源胰島素[健宜寧]於治療糖尿病犬隻的預後以及生存期)

2014年歐洲獸醫內科專科醫學會大會發表的論文Prevalence and Prognosis of Cardiac Cachexia in Dogs Affected with Chronic Degenerative Mitral Valve Disease(中譯:退化性二尖瓣膜疾病犬隻的心因性惡體質盛行率與癒後)-大會邀請發表報告

 2015年歐洲獸醫內科專科醫學會大會發表的論文1. Intervention to increase physical exercise in dogs with chronic enteropathies (中譯:復健式運動於犬慢性腸炎控制的運用) -大會邀請發表報告

2. Age-related changes in vertebral heart scale and echocardiographic indices in healthy geriatric cats (中譯:年齡對貓隻脊髓心臟比值VHS與心臟超音波參數的影響)

2017年歐洲獸醫內科專科醫學會大會發表的論文Prevalence of degenerative joint disease in mature indoor cats (中譯:室內成貓退行性關節炎的發病率) -大會邀請發表報告